Nail polishes have been around even before I was born. A swipe of color on your nails bring a new dimension to your style. With the advent of Metal polish cream nail arts and YouTube videos allowing access to many creative options, you can virtually create many designs on your nails. However, for those of you who are just starting out with nail polish, you might get confused with certain names and types. With that being said, here’s a 101 on the types of nail polishes.
- Finishes
Nail polishes come in different finishes. They range from matte ones to glittery ones. Matte polishes are those polishes that has little or no shine in them, and they often look flat. They are one of the most classic polishes that one can pick up. If you are a big fan of classic polishes, then this is recommended for you.

Cream and Pearl Finishes contain a little shimmer that reflects beautifully when light is shone on them. They are a step above the matte polishes. Cream and pearl finishes are one of my most favorite types.
Metallics are those that appear metallic or foil-like on your nails. The most common colors are gold, bronze and silver. They are great on those days where you want to feel glamorous.
Glitter polishes are the type of polishes that just spell glamour. They come in different textures and patterns. Some polishes contain finely milled glitters and some contain chunkier ones. The only downside of glitter is that it is really difficult to remove.
- Base Coat
A base coat is essential in preparing the nails for color. It protects them from discoloration that is brought about by bold colored polishes. A base coat often comes as a colorless finish. You can get a base coat that contains nail strengthening elements that would help keep your nails strong.
- Top Coat
A top coat is what you put on top of your colored polish. It helps prevent nails from chipping and it also adds additional shine on your nails.
- Quick Drying
If you don’t want to spend so much time painting your nails and waiting for them to dry between layers, a quick drying polish is the right choice for you. It is still recommended to allow at least 15 minutes of drying time, in order to avoid any annoying nicks and dents. Remember that the thinner you apply your polish, the faster it dries.
- Growth Enhancing
For those who have dry and brittle nails, a growth enhancing nail polish will help keep your nails strong. They contain proteins and fibers that aid in faster and healthier nail growth.
Before you head out and stock up on your favorite polishes, find out if you have any problems with your nails. All it needs is just a little TLC. You may choose to treat your nails and remember to allow at least a couple of days for them to breath before applying your next nail color.